Rebooting EUBTG – General Assembly Meeting 1st March 2023

On March 1st 2023 the EU BIM Task Group held a General Assembly meeting on-line to update its strategy and action plan.

The digital construction landscape in Europe was very different when the EUBTG was founded about 7 years ago. Since then a lot of good standards have emerged and the European Commission has launched several initiatives to support the green & digital transition in construction. The main questions raised during the meeting were related to the mission and vision of the EUBTG, the role of public clients in digital transformation, the use of BIM in public procurements and life cycle management, stakeholder involvement, the organization of workshops and events, the membership of the task group, and the financing of activities. There were also discussions about the need for transparency and openness in the group, the involvement of experts from outside the public sector, and the topics to be discussed in future meetings.

Key takeaways from the GA meeting:

  • The EUBTG aims to work together to improve policies and standards, connect public clients, and provide advice and support to public procurers in different countries.
  • The EUBTG is a technical advisor and expert group for the European Commission, with a vision for smart European public clients who save resources, make data-based decisions, and contribute to EU policy.
  • The mission of the EUBTG is to support public clients responsible for the built environment to implement digital transformation in practice.
  • Three workshops are planned for 2023 in different countries, covering openBIM procurement practice, implementation of BIM at the organizational level, and common data environments (CDE).
  • Preparations will be started to organize a public clients BIM conference by the end of 2023.
  • The new vision, mission and GA members list will be published on the website.

The recording of the GA meeting can be viewed on YouTube:


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